Three countries. One trusted label.

Asthma Allergy Nordic is a collaboration between the asthma and allergy organisations in Norway, Sweden and Denmark. Our label makes it easier for customers to find gentle products selected with care.   


Astma- och Allergiförbundets märkning Svalan / Svalmärkningen går samman med Danske Astma-allergi Denmark Den blå krans och Norske Astma- og Allergiforbundets märkning  och bildar tillsammans Asthma Allergy Nordic. 

Better together. Three countries are stronger than one. With the Nordic label it is easier to find gentle products that are good for you.
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If your product is allergy firendly, and therefore a good choice for everyone, you can apply for use of the Asthma Allergy Nordic label

Apply. If your product is allergy firendly, and therefore a good choice for everyone, you can apply for use of the Asthma Allergy Nordic label.
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Producter som är valda med omsorg och godkända av Asthma Allergy nordic.

Products. Find products that are selected with care by Asthma Allergy Nordic.
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