The asthma allergy nordic hjälper konsumenten välja rätt varumärken och produkter i butik. Att välja rätt och att undvika produkter med innehåll av kemikalier och ämnen som ger allergiska reaktioner.

Why endorse your Brand?


The Asthma Allergy Nordic label gives your brand a strong boost and helps the consumer make a good choice in the store. The number of people who desire products without allergens or irritants is ever growing. The reasons are many; you may have an allergy or hypersensitivity to certain substances – or you want to avoid developing one. But there is also a large group of consumers who simply want to make a sound choice for themselves and their children.


Astma- och Allergiförbundets märkning Svalan / Svalmärkningen går samman med Danske Astma-allergi Danmark Den blå krans och Norske Astma- og Allergiforbundets märkning NAAF och bildar tillsammans Asthma Allergy Nordic. Selected with care. Erfarenhet…

What is Asthma Allergy Nordic?

A product label developed by the Nordic asthma and allergy organisations in Denmark, Norway and Sweden. Our organisations have a long history of, and great experience in, working with asthma, allergy and other hypersensitivity. We review products and provide members and other consumers with recommended products. With this united label we have consolidated our knowledge, experience and expertise to meet the growing need for consumer guidance and to offer brand owners an international label.

Ökad förfrågan av produkter för människor med allergi eller astma. Parfymfria allternativ. Asthma Allergy Nordic label vägleder dig som konsument till rätt valda alternativ av produkter utan kemikalier och tillsatser som framkallar allergier.

Increasing demand for gentle products

The Asthma Allergy Nordic label represents the high Nordic standards that are known and appreciated around the globe. As new chemicals and scientific breakthroughs constantly affect the manufacturing industry, it is hard for the general public to determine the standard of a product. By reviewing and endorsing your product within the Asthma Allergy Nordic label you can influence the customers buying process, and meet the market demands.



Apply here

Astma-Allergi Danmark is responsible for assessing all product types on behalf of all three organizations.

astma- og allergiforbundet Norway
astma och allergiförbundet Sweden


astma- allergi Denmanrk



Evaluation price: Price on an hourly basis, depending on how long time the processing takes.
The hourly rate is 175 EUR/hour for evaluation, regardless of the country.

Turnover fees

For care products, makeup, washing/cleaning, tissues and hygiene products;


0,5 % of the turnover for the certified products sold in the Nordic region. Min. 1,500 EUR and max. 55,000 EUR per country


0,2 % of the turnover for the certified products sold outside the Nordic region. Min. 1,500 EUR and max. 35,000 EUR in total for all countries outside the Nordic region.


For other products;

1 % of the turnover for the certified products sold in the Nordic region. Min. 1,500 EUR and max. 55,000 EUR per country


0,4 % of the turnover for the certified products sold outside the Nordic region. Min. 1,500 EUR and max. 35,000 EUR in total for all countries outside the Nordic region.


From 1st of July 2024 the maximum fee will be 60,000 EUR per country in the Nordic region and 40,000 EUR in total for all countries outside the Nordic region. This will be effective for the invoices regarding turnover fee for the first half of 2024.


From 1st of July 2025 the maximum fee will be 65,000 EUR per country in the Nordic region and 45,000 EUR in total for all countries outside the Nordic region. This will be effective for the invoices regarding turnover fee for the first half of 2025.

Please note that all income goes directly back to running the labelling scheme and fund the charity organisations behind it.
There are no shareholders or any corporate commercial interests benefitting from the potential surplus.